Saturday, July 16, 2016

Summer Camp 2016 Review

TCAPS Summer Adventure Camp 2016

The First Day

Earlier today, Traverse City Area Public Schools launched it's annual Summer Adventure Camp for kids aged from preschool to fifth grade. 

Live tweeting earlier today was done by this twitter account.

The campers met at 7am as parents were invited to stay and meet the seven camp counselors who greeted families with welcoming smiles. They then started the day with breakfast to fuel them through activities until lunch at noon! After lunch the campers were split up into four smaller groups which they then rotated with through stations that change daily including art, gym, music, recess and games.

The day flew by, you know what they say- "Time flies when you're having fun!" As the campers met for dinner before being picked up at 6pm, the first field trip was announced for the following week. The campers look forward to a canoe trip this Thursday! Trips later this year will include swimming, attending a movie, visiting a zoo, etc.

If this article has intrigued you and your child, do not worry! Registration remains available throughout the first week and can be found here. For more information email Anne Thornton.

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